
Welcome to a breakfast seminar at PRIO


Time: May 4 08:30-10.00

Place: Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Hausmanns gate 3 0186 Oslo

This breakfast meeting is jointly hosted by:
Moderator: Gregory M. Reichberg (PRIO)
  • John Elkington (Volans, UK)
  • Selima Ahmad (BWCCI, Bangladesh)
With comments from:
  • Torunn Tryggestad (PRIO)
  • Benedicte Bull (SUM, UiO)

For registration and more information, please visit PRIOs website.

What is the future of collaboration between society and business?

 Friday, 15 April 2016 09:11

Thursday April 14th, The Nobel Peace Centre in Oslo was host to the debate “Peace as a business idea”, the first event of the 2016 Oslo Business for Peace Summit.

– Although the theme of today might seem contradictory, it most certainly is not. It is representative of a global move towards a new way of conducting business, said moderator Christian Borch as a part of his opening statement.

The panel consisting of Nina Jensen (WWF), Jonas Gahr Støre (AP), Tore Lærdal (Lærdal Global Health) and Hanne Sofie Lindahl (Changemaker) was quick to add their perspectives on what this implies for the collaboration between business and society.

– As a family owned company with a long perspective, the mutual trust we have built with communities in which we operate over 50 years, has enabled us to build partnerships and make an impact, said Tore Lærdal.
He emphasised how fleeting ownership structures of publicly traded companies often interfered with business leaders having a more long-term and sustainable perspective of their business.

Business now can identify a profitable way of solving some of the urgent and developing issues that we as a society face, such as climate change.

– Nina Jensen, Secretary General WWF Norway and member of the Business for Peace Board

A returning topic of the discussion was how to facilitate a constructive collaboration between business and the societies and communities they are a part of.

– I am more optimistic now than ever before, said Nina Jensen. Business now can identify a profitable way of solving some of the urgent and developing issues that we as a society face, such as climate change. However, it’s naïve to believe that business will solve this themselves, in a vacuum, but rather in a collaboration with society through clear expectations and demands from political institutions.

But – business solutions to evolving problems cannot be politically decided, they need to grow forth through a myriad of failed attempts and budding initiatives.

– What country is in a better position to show the way towards a leading position in combining economic growth with the responsible stewardship of natural resources such as the ocean, asked Jonas Gahr Støre rhetorically. Following up – it will demand great effort from us, but we are in a special global position, with special responsibility.

How do we move forward to build impact? Can we identify a new kind of collaboration?

– Yes, said Gahr Støre, it is a necessity, but as politicians we must be aware not to micro-manage business in the direction that we see fit.

– Yes, said Jensen, citing the need for public action through grass roots movements. Through wide spread accessibility of new technologies, all of us have tremendous power to engage with our surroundings and communities – and with power comes great responsibility, she said.

Tore Lærdal, speaking as a 2016 Business for Peace Honouree, got final remarks, and used the opportunity to emphasise the need to strengthen the social contract between society and business.

We must strengthen our global effort, through multinational institutions such as United Nations, if we are to achieve our mutual goals in the years to come

– Tore Lærdal, co-owner and Chairman of the Board of Lærdal Medical and Business for Peace Honouree 2016

Welcome to a lecture with Paul Polman

 Saturday, 09 April 2016 13:36

One of the world’s foremost leaders in sustainable growth is coming to Oslo!

2015 Business for Peace Honouree and Unilever CEO Paul Polman will be in Oslo to attend the 2016 Business for Peace Summit. In association with the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), the University of Oslo and BI Norwegian Business School, the Business for Peace Foundation is pleased to offer you the chance to hear him speak.

In keeping with the theme of this year’s Business for Peace Summit, Mr Polman will be talking about the UN Sustainable Development Goals: how will the world meet these targets and what are the opportunities for businesses?
Under Mr Polman’s management, Unilever has set ambitious targets to double the company’s size while continuing to reduce their overall carbon footprint.
Spaces are strictly limited, so don’t forget to register here!

Place:  Universitetets Aula, Karl Johans gate 47, 0162 Oslo

Time:   2 May 2016, 09:30-10:30


Debatt 14. april: Fred som forretningsidé

Monday, 04 April 2016 16:56

I samarbeid med Nobels Fredssenter inviterer Business for Peace Foundation til paneldebatt med temaet «Fred som forretningsidé» på Fredssenteret torsdag 14. april kl 18:00. Årets utdeling av Oslo Business for Peace Award nærmer seg. Prisen er en heder til næringslivsledere som jobber for å skape verdier for samfunnet i tillegg til bedriften de leder.

I år er det tre vinnere, og norske Tore Lærdal, administrerende direktør i Lærdal Medical, er en av dem. Lærdal og flere andre spennende gjester kommer for å diskutere «Fred som forretningsidé».

Vi drøfter om næringslivet kan og bør spille en rolle for fred, miljø og utvikling. De bedriftene som er involvert i utvikling og fredsarbeid – motiveres de av profitt eller veldedighet? Og er det greit å tjene penger i fattige, krigsherjede land? Vi vil også utforske når det fungerer godt og når det går galt, og hva bedrifter kan og bør gjøre for å bidra til fred.

I panelet sitter:

Tore Lærdal – Business for Peace Honouree 2016
Jonas Gahr Støre – leder i Arbeiderpartiet
Nina Jensen – generalsekretær i WWF-Norge og styremedlem i Business for Peace
Hanne Sofie Lindahl – leder i Changemaker

Moderator er Christian Borch.