
Empresas y derechos humanos: una perspectiva desde Colombia

 Wednesday, 27 January 2021 12:38

Traducción por Lorena Muñoz Carmona

Juan Andrés Cano en la ceremonia de entrega del Premio Business for Peace en 2015
Abogado de derechos humanos y ganador del premio Business for Peace en 2015, Juan Andrés Cano, ha dedicado su carrera a entender el impacto del sector privado en los derechos humanos. El fundador de PeaceStartup y Business and Human Rights y CEO de Semilla, destaca la importancia de crear alianzas entre ONGs, gobiernos y el sector privado para proteger los derechos humanos. Iniciativas como esta demuestran que otra manera de hacer negocios es posible.Esta entrevista está disponible al completo en inglés en nuestro canal de Youtube

¿Cómo ha afectado la pandemia a su trabajo?

Estamos acostumbrados a usar nuevas tecnologías, porque trabajamos en distintas ciudades: Barcelona, París, Bogotá… En lo que se refiere al día a día, no hemos notado muchos cambios en este sentido. Los viajes de negocios están cancelados ahora mismo, pero eso es positivo de alguna manera porque nos permite pasar más tiempo en casa.

Hemos podido mantener a todo el equipo porque nuestro trabajo está conectado con muchas de las cuestiones que ha generado el covid como la innovación o el impacto. El covid está siendo una especie de “experimento” para nuestras actividades. Anteriormente no habíamos trabajado directamente con temas de salud, pero siempre hemos trabajado con temas de cambio climático, desigualdad social, etc. En ese sentido nuestro trabajo sigue siendo el mismo.

¿Podría hablarnos del trabajo que realizan cada una de estas empresas?

La primera que me gustaría mencionar es Business & Human Rights. Se trata de una consultoría basada en España donde trabajamos con las empresas del Ibex 35 para comprender cómo sus actividades impactan los derechos humanos. Este impacto no siempre es evidente, especialmente para empresas europeas. Hace falta una perspectiva global para entender esta conexión.

Como resultado de la colaboración entre el sector privado, ONGs y el Estado para entender los impactos de las empresas en los derechos humanos, surgió PeaceStartup. Un vehículo para promover la colaboración entre estos actores, pero esta vez con una perspectiva local.

Finalmente, Semilla, con sede en Latinoamérica, se encarga de la gestión de activos y la recaudación de fondos para fomentar el crecimiento en la región. Trabajamos dentro del espacio de la inversión de impacto y de los ODS.

¿Puede hablarnos sobre la plataforma Better Together (“Mejor Juntos”) con la que colabora en respuesta a la pandemia?Este es un buen ejemplo de cómo es posible trabajar juntos. El objetivo de esta plataforma es entender cómo diferentes actores están realizando colaboraciones que mantienen a la comunidad en el centro de la conversación. Normalmente este tipo de plataformas tienen un enfoque de “arriba hacia abajo”. Pero queremos entender cómo generar este tipo de colaboraciones desde “abajo hacia arriba.”Queremos entender cómo todos estos actores están trabajando con las comunidades en respuesta al covid-19. Qué se está haciendo bien y cómo puede aplicarse en políticas públicas o en la actividad empresarial. Este es un momento clave para unirnos y entender qué es posible y cómo podemos hacer mejor las cosas.
PeaceStartup sobre el terreno

¿Qué espera que cambie después de esta pandemia, tanto global como localmente?

Esta pandemia está siendo un experimento que va a ayudar a los ciudadanos globales a entender que todos estamos conectados, y no solamente por una economía global. Estamos pendientes de lo que pasa en el resto del mundo. Nos preocupamos los unos por los otros y nos orgullecemos de los logros e iniciativas mutuas.El desarrollo sostenible, el medio ambiente, los derechos humanos, son asuntos globales. Tal vez esta sea una oportunidad para darnos cuenta de que necesitamos respuestas globales. En términos más específicos, vemos que esto es una oportunidad para que los inversores y el sector privado apuesten por inversiones sostenibles, asegurarse que los impactos están controlados, y que la solidez empresarial son parte de la estrategia de la empresa. Es una oportunidad para crear una nueva normalidad.

No todo el mundo habla sobre la conexión entre derechos humanos y empresas. ¿De dónde surge su interés por este tema y qué les diría a otros líderes empresariales sobre la importancia de la responsabilidad del sector privado durante la pandemia?

Yo soy abogado. Estudié derecho porque a través de la ley podemos luchar por la justicia. Pero todo abogado sabe que esto es de alguna forma una falacia. El resultado de la ley no es siempre la justicia. Sin embargo, los derechos humanos ofrecen un enfoque normativo que tiene el potencial de ser global. Los derechos humanos son para todas las personas, pero en la realidad no todas las personas tienen sus derechos asegurados.

Los derechos humanos ofrecen muchas posibilidades. Surgen en defensa de los derechos de los ciudadanos frente al Estado. Pero no todas las violaciones de derechos humanos las causa el Estado, a veces son las empresas. Las empresas son uno de los principales actores económicos con impacto global. Pero ese impacto se puede entender y controlar. Para mí este campo dentro los derechos humanos es un espacio desde el que lograr justicia con un impacto global para todos aquellos en la cadena de valor.

Las empresas tienen la oportunidad de usar el sistema de derechos humanos como referencia global, como un mínimo moral y ético que mantener en todas sus actividades. Y esta perspectiva resuena con muchos líderes del sector privado precisamente porque no implica necesariamente una perspectiva legal. Cada país tiene distintas leyes: Colombia, México y Noruega, todos tienen distintos gobiernos. Los derechos humanos presentan un mínimo que siempre debería estar ahí, da igual el país. Y esto es una oportunidad de coherencia y de comunicación para las empresas, que independientemente del país, pueden decir “yo protejo la privacidad, yo protejo la vida, la salud de mis empleados, mis consumidores y en mi cadena de suministro.” Pero aún tenemos mucho camino que recorrer.

Por ejemplo, a mí me apasiona el mundo de la inversión. Los inversores son el motor de las compañías y tienen la posibilidad de influenciarlas, especialmente si comprenden que sus inversiones pueden impactar los derechos humanos. Los inversores deberían pensar que esta es una nueva economía basada en el acuerdo ecológico. Necesitamos un acuerdo ecológico y socialmente justo. O incluso un nuevo acuerdo ecológico de derechos humanos. Es una oportunidad para invertir sabiamente, pensando de forma local, y actuando de forma global.

¿Quieres colaborar con la iniciativa Better Together?

La plataforma Better Together (“Mejores Juntos”) quiere conocer tu historia. Si tu organización colabora con comunidades locales o conoces de alguna iniciativa local multi-actor que trabaje identificando las necesidades y prioridades de las comunidades, no dudes en ponerte en contacto.

La entrevista al completo está disponible en inglés aquí.

Year in review: 2020

Monday, 28 December 2020 10:58

Building back together

Business for Peace has always enjoyed gathering people and inspiring discussions. We have facilitated discussions at our annual Summit and locally at startup community MESH. We recognised businessworthy leaders with the Oslo Business for Peace Award. Since 2009, global business, global leadership, global gatherings were our core. When March came, we were quick to do two things: ensure the safety and wellbeing of our employees, and cancel physical events.

Our vision is that all business leaders strive to improve society by creating value for all stakeholders in an ethical and responsible way. The mission, therefore, is to recognise, inspire, and accelerate businessworthy leadership. And this is how we did that this year:




We started to accelerate businessworthy leadership through action. In October, we launched a partnership with the United Nations Development Programme, the International Chamber of Commerce, and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation called Future of Business. The Future of Business’s aims, among other ambitions, to inspire, educate, and connect investors with entrepreneurs.

We also gathered our Honourees digitally for the first time ever. Their determination to make sure businesses did good despite Covid-19 was palpable. In fact, their drive and teamwork resulted in a call to action to build back better in the Global South. Twenty-six of our Honourees from around the world signed the call to action, and we are so grateful to them for their commitment to accelerate the call to action.


Through our partnerships and our Award Committee, we still were able to recognise business leaders changing the face of business. This year’s Honourees are three diverse, driven, peacebuilding leaders.

“They are role models to society and their peers, have earned stakeholders’ trust, and stand out as advocates,” says Per Saxegaard, Founder of the Business for Peace Foundation.

We hope to see them next year at our Summit, along with you as well. In keeping with adapting to the new circumstances, we are committed to holding our 2021 Summit, knowing that it will look very different and much of it will be digital-first.With that, we want to make sure you save the dates! 26–27 May 2021, we will once again gather, albeit digitally. We will once again discuss business, celebrate our Honourees, and inspire present and future leaders.Until then, may you have a healthy holiday season.

Shop ethical: your Business for Peace holiday gift guide

 Thursday, 26 November 2020 12:18

As our holidays worldwide look different this year, we want to do something different, too. That’s why we are sharing our first-ever ethical gift-giving guide. We support all socially conscious businesses globally. Our mission is, after all, to recognise, inspire, and accelerate businessworthy leadership. By shopping consciously, you help to accelerate positive social, environmental, and ethical change. We know, it’s “just shopping”, but your purchases can help provide income to disadvantaged women, people in rural, remote, and conflict-affected areas, and others to whom every bit of income matters. 

Our Honourees are constant sources of inspiration, and that’s why they are leading our list of ethical gift ideas. We hope this guide empowers you to give generously, and give consciously. 

Gifts that ship globally

Coffee for Peace 

Founded by our 2020 Honouree Felicitas Bautista Pantoja, Coffee for Peace is a social enterprise that  uses coffee production as a tool to address economic and conflict challenges in the Philippines. The company provides sustainable livelihoods for Indigenous and migrant groups in rural areas, helping local farmers escape poverty. You can feel even better about your morning coffee habit.


Dilmah Tea

Dilmah is a premium quality tea brand founded in 1988 by 2015 Honouree Merrill J Fernando. Dilmah has committed themselves to environmental sustainability and equal opportunity employment. By purchasing Dilmah, you support responsible farming and employment practices in the highlands of Sri Lanka. 


Sarah’s Bag

Sarah’s Bag is a Lebanese fashion house and social enterprise that empowers women, employing over 200 prisoners, ex-prisoners and underprivileged women. Their artisan handbags have been spotted on the arms of Beyoncé and Amal Clooney. Founder and 2016 Honouree Sarah Beydoun has done everything she can to keep operations running during this very challenging time for Lebanon, ensuring income for her workers. It’s a purchase that you can feel good about, and look great with. 



Marilyn Carlson Nelson

Our 2014 Honouree Marilyn Carlson Nelson shares her deepest insights on leadership in “How we lead matters: reflections on a life of leadership.” She shares the difficulty of making hard choices and sacrifices to run her family’s business. 

Stef Wertheimer 

An Honouree from 2010, Stef Wertheimer fled Nazi Germany at age 10. In his book, he shares the lessons he learned from a life of strife and struggle in one of the world’s newest industrial powers. The “Habit of labor: lessons from a life of struggle and success” is a truly inspirational tale.  

Marc Benioff 

“Trailblazer” is the book that is currently circulating its way around our office. Marc Benioff, a 2020 Honouree, is an advocate for LGBTQ rights, education inclusion, and alleviating homelessness. It’s an inspiring book that helped spark passion for action in an otherwise tough year. A good read for all aspiring CEOs. 

Anders Dahlvig

Reflecting on his 26 years at IKEA, former CEO and 2009 Honouree Anders Dahlvig describes how to combine traditional business goals and the goal of contributing to a better society. He does this while bearing in mind global supply chains and sustaining profitability and corporate responsibility. His book “The IKEA Edge: building global growth and social good at the world’s most iconic home store” is on our bookshelf. Maybe you know someone who should also have it on theirs? 

Sir Richard Branson

Author of several books, this one from 2014 Honouree Sir Richard Branson is a favourite from his line-up. “Screw business as usual” shows how easy it is for both businesses and individuals to embark on a whole new way of doing things, solving major problems and turning work into something we both love and are proud of.

Foreword by Ouided Bouchamaoui

Inspired by 200 senior international executives, Vanessa Barros goes beyond individual views of ‘professionalism’ to provide a framework to resolve intercultural conflicts. Her book “Don’t mess with my professionalism: how to resolve conflict across cultures” has a foreword written by 2014 Honouree Ouided Bouchamaoui, and will help any leader to build an inclusive culture.


Give a different kind of gift – make a donation in your name or on behalf of someone else to really spread the holiday spirit. 

#SheisMore young artists

The perfect donations are those which help young people get the education and support that they need. We particularly like IIX Global’s option to sponsor young artists. Our 2017 Honouree Durreen Shahnaz is the Founder. Every USD100 donated will help offer youth artists with the opportunities for artistic development and education through their #sheismore campaign.


The SEKEM school
The late Dr Ibrahim Abouleish was the founder of the comprehensive development initiative SEKEM. The SEKEM school pledges to provide education to as many children as possible, giving them a stronger foundation for their future.
 Echo Network Africa
Through her important work, Dr Jennifer Riria brings economic empowerment to marginalised women, contributing to build peace even during times of conflict. The 2014 Honouree founded Kenya Women Holding, now Echo Network Africa. You can make a donation to support mentorship for young women, maternal and child health programme, or for women entrepreneurs and leaders. 

Gifts that ship regionally

Dean’s Beans

For shipping in USA only: 

For our readers in the U.S., Dean’s Beans is at the top of our list of good coffee products that are as fairly and sustainably sourced as it gets. 2013 Honouree Dean Cycon founded Dean’s Beans Organic Coffee Company in 1993 after working as an environmental and indigenous rights lawyer. He set out to prove that business could create meaningful change through ethical business practices. We think it’s safe to say he proved his point. 



For shipping in Colombia only: 

Corpocampo is dedicated to the sustainable production and distribution of Açaí Berry and palm heart. Founded by 2018 Honouree Edgar Montenegro, Corpocampo has provided jobs for over 240 female-headed and indigenous households, and is helping to bring local communities out of poverty. Corpocampo doesn’t ship abroad, so this one is for the lucky few in Colombia. 


Announcing: The Future of Business

Monday, 05 October 2020 12:46

The Future of Business programme launches in Ghana

Accra, Ghana/ Oslo, Norway: Business for Peace Foundation today announced the launch of their Future of Business programme, a new global impact-driven event series focused on accelerating development towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals through investments and entrepreneurship in the Global South. In collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme and International Chamber of Commerce the launch of the programme coincides with the announcement of the For Better Business Together (4BBT) programme – an effort to promote local initiatives throughout Ghana to strengthen green and sustainable economic development within the business sector.

The Future of Business programme offers a new way for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)-aligned investors to connect with  established businesses and entrepreneurs across the Global South. The programme begins as an event series in Ghana, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and Nigeria during 2021.

The Future of Business calls for a mindset change amongst business leaders, investors, employees, and NGOs to re-evaluate how resources can be not only used but shared differently. From governments to companies alike, SDG-enabling investments will enable businesses to help solve global challenges.

The President of Ghana, H.E. Nana Akufo-Addo, was present to deliver the keynote address at the launch alongside other Ghanaian dignitaries. The Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Solberg, also addressed the audience digitally in support of the programme.

“As we continue our efforts to translate the ambitions of the SDG agenda into action, the Future of Business programme paves the way for businesses to contribute to scaling these efforts. We firmly believe that programmes such as the Future of Business can unlock solutions to global challenges by leveraging the power of entrepreneurship and collaboration,” Prime Minister Solberg commented.

Per L. Saxegaard, Founder and Executive Chairman at Business for Peace Foundation, says: “The SDG’s provide both a societal road map and a business plan for achieving a fairer, more equitable, and a sustainable world for all. The global business community has experienced first-hand the mutual interdependence with societies in which they operate. The ongoing pandemic has shown, more than ever, the need for increased collaboration and a broader mindset. The Future of Business programme seeks to connect investor and SDG-entrepreneurs with investment opportunities that creates both societal and business value.”

The Future of Business programme is made possible through generous support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and United Nations Development Programme’s SDG Impact. 

For more information on the Future of Business programme, visit futureofbusiness.io

Felicitas ‘Joji’ Bautista Pantoja

 Wednesday, 09 September 2020 09:00

A 2020 Honouree providing sustainable livelihoods for indigenous and migrant peoples and building peace in conflict zones. 

“This recognition affirms that inclusive development can be a reality through social enterprise.” – Felicitas Pantoja. 

Mrs. Pantoja has dedicated her career to building peace in conflict zones and improving the lives of marginalised groups through economic stability. Based in the Philippines, Coffee for Peace uses coffee production as a tool to address the economic, environmental and peace issues prevalent in conflict-affected communities. Established in 2008, her peace-building missions started around the ritual of gathering over a cup of coffee. “I noticed that they served us coffee,” says Pantoja. “When there’s coffee served, they sit down, they talk more and there’s less fighting – and there’s less death. So coffee can now serve as a vehicle for peace.”

Today, Coffee for Peace provides sustainable livelihoods for Indigenous and migrant groups in rural areas, and has enabled over 880 farmers to escape poverty and build their coffee production capacity. Over 80% of the farmers in the community are women. The company’s focus is on sustainable agriculture, peace and reconciliation between religious groups, environmental protection and entrepreneurship. Coffee for Peace works closely with Business Call to Action, a program of the UNDP.

Mrs Pantoja has said of receiving the Award that “this recognition affirms that inclusive development can be a reality though social enterprise.”

Mrs Pantoja receives the Award for her businessworthy efforts in bringing peace and prosperity to conflict-affected communities in the Philippines. She and her team have built an inspiring social enterprise that empowers marginalised groups from different backgrounds, bringing these groups together while contributing to the sustainable development of the land. Mrs Pantoja demonstrates the significant impact that business can have when used as a vehicle for peace.

“Businesses are the most powerful and influential players. Businesses ought to be mindful of the responsibility to bring economic-ecological justice and harmony among human societies.”  – Felicitas ‘Joji’ Bautista Pantoja

Marc Benioff

A 2020 Honouree leading a successful global company while advocating for equality and stakeholder capitalism. 

Marc Benioff is Chair, CEO and Founder of Salesforce and a pioneer of cloud computing. He is a member of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) Board of Trustees, Benioff serves as the inaugural Chair of WEF’s Forum Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in San Francisco.

Salesforce founded the 1-1-1 or “Pledge 1%” model of corporate philanthropy, which dedicates 1% of Salesforce’s equity, employee time or product back into the communities it serves. This pledge has so far generated more than $280 million, millions of employee volunteer hours, and technology to nonprofits and schools worldwide.

Photo: World Economic Forum Sikarin Fon Thanachaiary

 “It is a great honor to be recognised by the Business for Peace Foundation, which recognises that businesses have profound responsibilities to all our stakeholders, including our communities and our planet,” said Marc Benioff, Chair & CEO, Salesforce. “As more companies embrace stakeholder capitalism and commit to meeting the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, we see that business is the greatest platform for change.”

Mr Benioff receives the Award for being an outspoken advocate of businessworthy values and leading Salesforce with social responsibility and equality at its core. Mr Benioff is passionate about redefining capitalism to work for all, and ensuring businesses have a positive impact on the societies in which they operate.

James Mwangi

 Wednesday, 09 September 2020 09:00

A 2020 Honouree leading one of the most inclusive banks in the world with inclusion at its core.

Dr. James Mwangi is one of Africa’s most renowned entrepreneurs. He is credited with democratizing financial access by giving the unbanked population opportunities for broader economic participation. He has led Equity to become an integrated financial services group operating in 6 African countries with a client base of over 14 million. Mwangi’s ability to merge economic theory to the practical realities of village life enabled him to revolutionise the banking industry in Africa. Today, Equity is one of the most inclusive banks in the world with clients across the socio-economic spectrum including youth and women.

“I dedicate this Award to our staff and to the millions of our customers who have continuously inspired us by trusting and believing in our common purpose and dream, that together we can solve our problems by seeking innovative solutions anchored on shared value and prosperity,” said Mwangi. “I share this award with our micro, small and medium entrepreneurs who wake up every day to create wealth and opportunities for our society. This Award is a great inspiration to all Africans to believe in their dreams and to pursue them with dedication and conviction that together, we can change our continent within our lifetime.”

James Mwangi receives the Award for his businessworthy values in championing financial inclusion for all. The Committee sees him as a shining example of how business leaders can accelerate change and help solve the world’s problems.

Winners see business as a tool for change

Wednesday, 09 September 2020 08:56

Marc Benioff, Felicitas Pantoja, and James Mwangi are the winners of the 2020 Oslo Business for Peace Award

More than the bottom line: winners see business as a tool for change

09.09.2020, Oslo – Today, the Business for Peace Foundation announced the 2020 Oslo Business for Peace Award winners. The Honourees are: Marc Benioff, Co-Founder, Chair and CEO of Salesforce; James Mwangi, Managing Director and CEO of Equity Group Holdings and Felicitas “Joji” Bautista Pantoja, Co-Founder and CEO of Coffee for Peace.

The Oslo Business for Peace Award is given annually to business leaders, as individuals, for their outstanding businessworthy accomplishments; leaders who apply their business energy ethically and responsibly, creating stronger economic and societal value. 

An independent Award Committee of Nobel Laureates in Peace and Economics has selected the three outstanding leaders to receive the Award this year. This is following a global nomination process through Business for Peace’s partners: International Chamber of Commerce, Principles for Responsible Investment, United Nations Development Program and United Nations Global Compact. Past winners include Paul Polman, Ouided Bouchamaoui, Richard Branson and Durreen Shahnaz. The 2020 winners (Honourees) will be celebrated at the Business for Peace Summit in May 2021. 

Each of the 2020 Honourees transformed their businesses, industries and communities through positive change, inspiring other leaders to follow suit. Benioff established the ‘1-1-1 model,’ whereby a company contributes one percent of profits, equity, and employee hours back to the communities it serves. Mwangi enabled 96% of the unbanked population in Kenya opportunities for broader economic participation. Pantoja provided sustainable livelihoods for indigenous and migrant groups in rural areas, enabling over 880 farmers to escape poverty and build their coffee production capacity. 

“In a world of various complexities such as globalisation, polarisation and environmental struggles, this year’s Honourees have led by using business as a tool for change. They are role models to society and their peers, have earned stakeholders’ trust, and stand out as advocates,” says Per Saxegaard, Founder of the Business for Peace Foundation. “Through their business activities they have made substantial contributions towards reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal 8: helping to achieve sustained, sustainable and inclusive growth and decent work for all.”

“With ten years left until we need to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and at a time when the world is looking for a clear direction, the Business for Peace Honourees show real leadership and the invaluable efforts from the business community,” says Raymond Johansen, Governing Mayor of Oslo. “I am proud that Oslo, for the twelfth year, is hosting the business community’s own award for ethical and sustainable business. It is an example of how to create value for both stakeholders and shareholders.”

About the Honourees

Marc Benioff, Chair and CEO and Co-Founder of Salesforce (United States)

Marc Benioff is Chair, CEO, and Co-Founder of Salesforce and a pioneer of cloud computing. Salesforce is the #1 provider of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software globally. Benioff established the ‘1-1-1 model’ of corporate philanthropy, whereby a company contributes one percent of technology, equity, and employee hours back to the communities it serves. Today, Salesforce is a Fortune 500 company with 54,000 employees and 150,000 customers worldwide.  He is an outspoken advocate for business leaders supporting causes such as LGBT rights, education inclusion, wealth reallocation and alleviating homelessness. Benioff is leading a revolution in the tech sector to create a more equal, fair and sustainable way of doing business.

“It is a great honour to be recognised by the Business for Peace Foundation, which recognises that businesses have profound responsibilities to all our stakeholders, including our communities and our planet,” says Benioff. “As more companies embrace stakeholder capitalism and commit to meeting the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, we see that business is the greatest platform for change.”

James Mwangi, Managing Director and Group CEO of Equity Group Holdings (Kenya)

Dr James Mwangi is one of Africa’s most renowned entrepreneurs. He is credited with democratising financial access by giving the unbanked population opportunities for broader economic participation. He has led Equity to become an integrated financial services group operating in 6 African countries with a client base of over 14 million. Dr Mwangi’s ability to merge economic theory to the practical realities of village life enabled him to revolutionise the banking industry in Africa. Today, Equity is one of the most inclusive banks in the world with clients across the socio-economic spectrum including youth and women. 

“I dedicate this Award to our staff and to the millions of our customers who have continuously inspired us by trusting and believing in our common purpose and dream, that together we can solve our problems by seeking innovative solutions anchored on shared value and prosperity,” said Mwangi. 

“I share this award with our micro, small and medium entrepreneurs who wake up every day to create wealth and opportunities for our society. This Award is a great inspiration to all Africans to believe in their dreams and to pursue them with dedication and conviction that together, we can change our continent within our lifetime.” 

Felicitas “Joji” Bautista Pantoja, Co-Founder of Coffee for Peace (Philippines)

Felicitas Pantoja has dedicated her career to building peace in conflict zones and improving the lives of marginalized groups through economic stability. Based in the Philippines, Coffee for Peace uses coffee production as a tool to address the economic, environmental and peace issues prevalent in conflict-affected communities. Today, Coffee for Peace provides sustainable livelihoods for Indigenous and migrant groups in rural areas, enabling over 880 farmers to escape poverty and build their coffee production capacity. The company’s focus is on sustainable agriculture, peace and reconciliation between religious groups, environmental protection and entrepreneurship. 

“This recognition brings hope. It affirms the dreams and aspirations of our small farming partners, micro-enterprise partners, impact investors, and employees that there are respectable people in the business world who believe in and serve as ‘cheerleaders’ for us who struggle for economic justice. 

This recognition affirms that inclusive development can be a reality through social enterprise,” says Pantoja.

Remembering Honouree Latifur Rahman

Monday, 06 July 2020 16:55

It is with great sorrow that we share the news of Latifur Rahman’s passing. Honouree Rahman won the Oslo Business for Peace Award in 2012.

The late Mr Rahman was the Chairman and CEO of the Transcom Group. The group’s growth took place under adherence to ethical and responsible business practices that serve as a guideline for other businesses in the region.  Mr Rahman was renowned for his leadership as well as his guidance and integrity, ethical standards and business acumen – well illustrated by Mr Rahman’s reelection as chairman of the Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry for a total of seven terms.

The scope of his work and his impact both in Bangladesh and world-wide were only matched by his unwavering commitment to ethical business practices. Mr Rahman exemplified the core of being businessworthy and was a true inspiration to business leaders worldwide.

For more on the achievements and life of Latifur Rahman, see:



Build back better business: a call to action by our Honourees

 Tuesday, 30 June 2020 07:29

We are proud to announce that 26 Oslo Business for Peace Award winners have come together to release a joint Call to Action statement calling to build back better business in the wake of the current pandemic.

Representing over 23 countries, this Call to Action is a united voice for business leaders in diverse sectors and across the globe.